Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to Correct a Golf Slice

As a golfer, this can be very frustrating when you continue to try to get the perfect swing and your ball ends up being sliced more times than it ends up being perfect. If this is the case with you, you may well benefit from some golf instructions. These can be a great help to you when it comes to solving your golf grips.

In order to cure a golf slice, you first need to know the cause of it. Once you know the cause of it, you'll have a much greater chance of eliminating it. This can allow you to play a much better game and one that you'll be proud of as well.

There are certain things you can do to correct a golf slice and these are listed below:

  • Bad alignment is a very common reason you may have a bad golf slice. This is due to the way that you are standing or your golf stance. You should stand with your shoulders and feet aligned. This is the best way to help you have a better stance and can make a lot of difference when it comes to curing golf slice. So, you should take a serious look at how your stand when you have the golf club in hand.
  • Problems with your swing can also translate to problems with your golf slice. You need to swing with the right weight in order to have the best swing you can. This can allow you a much better chance of eliminating your golf slice. Try to hit your drive and then take a step forward. This may be a great way to aid you.
If you hope to be the best golfer, you can be, then you know it takes much time and effort to become one.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Instant Golf Slice Cure

The first thing to look into is the loft on your club. Studies have shown that for every degree lower your club is, the greater the risk of slicing. You may have noticed this because your high irons and wedges never slice. Drivers usually range in loft from about 7.5 degrees to 19 degrees. Depending on the severity of your slice, I would recommend the 19 degree driver.

-The club shaft may also affect the flight of the ball. Many clubs with a stiffer shaft do not have the spring that you need to hit a clean golf shot. You may also try to invest in a heavier shaft to get the greatest release of the clubhead through the ball as possible.

Friday, November 7, 2008

How To Fix The Dreaded Slice

The top players, those who have mastered the game, actually use these types of shots to get around things that may be in their way. When this happens, those words become fade and draw and they can be a powerful weapon in golfer's arsenal of shots.

But for the rest of us, they're just mistakes we make and off we go shagging our wayward ball.

This article is about the slice. We'll discuss the hook later.

The slice, where the ball curves severely from left-to-right through the air, is a very destructive shot. The slice is such a common mistake that entire books have been written on the subject. It is also so common that nearly every golf has experienced it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fix Your Slice, Improve Your Scores

Given lessons are effective, and they should be for the $100-$300 that are spent in that hour alone, how else can a person "train themself?" Let's start by trying to figure out what some of your areas of issues are with your golf game. Is it your slice, is it a distance issue, is it poor ball striking? If so, then I have found a great product that costs less than a round of golf, $47 or less to be exact, that focuses on maximizing the time you do get to go out to the range or on the course and analyze your problems and fix them rapidly. This comes with anything from visual demonstrations or videos, from simple tricks to fix your fade or slice.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to Cure a Golf Hook

Like a slice, a hook is cause by you putting a sideways spin on the ball when you hit it, but while a slice is caused by a clockwise spin, the hook is caused by the rarer counter-clockwise spin. To regular hookers, however, it is not 'rarer' but a very serious problem they need sorted. Many golfers have been so affected by their hook that they have even given the game up permanently. It has that much of an effect on some people.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tips for Fixing a Golf Slice

Golf slice takes place when the clubface makes a "side-spin" on the golf ball. In most cases, people will instantly consider it as a reflexive problem. What they do not know is that it is more on the corporeal matter.
The reason behind this matter is actually based on the coordination of the mind and body. Normally, the mind will command the body to sway the club well.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Correcting Your Golf Slice Problem With Instruction

Good golf swing instruction tips used to reduce or cure your slice include proper grip, release positions, club offset , right elbow placement, keeping the left wrist flat, proper take away, swing tempo and many more tips and theories. All are put forth by various instructors and golf professionals in an effort to cure your slice and give you a good golf swing. The question is which method or combination of tips that will work for you. In addition there are many e-books found on the internet that you can read to find the right tip that will decrease you slice and increase your draw.